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Embrace the Sonic Odyssey: Lucia Cifarelli Unveils Musical Alchemy; KMFDM Drops ‘LET GO’ Album Today (01.13.24)!

My name is Lucia Cifarelli. I’m a solo recording artist and the female vocalist/songwriter in the band KMFDM. My most recent solo album “I Am Eye” was released in 2021. KMFDM’s most recent album HYËNA was released in 2022. KMFDM is made up of like-minded artists/musicians promoting ideas surrounding freedom of thought and expression. My solo work allows me to explore deeply personal subject matter related to my life and stories I want to tell.

Watching MTV in its early days had a major impact on me. Being a rockstar looked like the most awesome job on the planet. Almost everything I heard on the radio or watched on MTV was pulling on me in some way, even if I didn’t like the song or style. I wanted to learn how to write songs, sing, and command a stage. Listening to music has always been an escape for me, helping me slip out of the world I was living in.

Regarding the name for my solo project, I started with just my first name, but as more Lucia’s arrived on the scene, I switched to using my full name. It suggests that the music is more personal, with the emphasis on my voice and the stories I’m telling.

I’m inspired by various musical genres, as well as life, film, literature, poetry, and art. It all influences the voicing and textures of music I’m looking to hear and feel. I hope it’s my songwriting and vocal style that set me apart.

My creative process involves what I call ‘the door,’ representing the place I pass through to get to where the magic happens. I see colors, letters, floating puzzle pieces, pictures, movies, and hear notes and melodies. The songs get written here. The door is always there, following me wherever I go.

A significant turning point for me was watching Diamanda Galas perform ‘Plague Mass’ in NYC in the ’90s. The raw feral intensity of her performance shook me to the core. It inspired me to write more from the heart and less about what I thought people wanted to hear.

Collaboration for me involves working with musicians focused more on the music side, highlighting our mutual strengths. Navigating creative differences comes down to clear communication and open-mindedness.

I view my day as a pie, with each piece representing the energy needed for specific tasks. I focus on one project per day to avoid mental saturation. Taking on too many projects creates counterproductive stress.

One of the most challenging hurdles has been making albums with major record labels that were never released. It’s heartbreaking, but if you love what you do, you don’t really have a choice. Resilience is crucial in this business.

Music has the power to bring about change on both a personal and collective level. With KMFDM, we’ve been a catalyst for many people to register to vote. Music is transformative and can move mountains.

My voice is my primary instrument. I played violin when I was younger, but the voice, coming directly from the body, is the most powerful instrument. It contributes to my overall musical expression and style.

It’s not a particular sound but the attitude of certain musicians/artists that has influenced me. Ideas about what it means to be a rockstar, how it looks, and a bigger-than-life presence shape how I do things on stage and in the studio.

There are no intentional hidden messages, but I use a lot of metaphors. I like to use words like an artist uses paint, mixing things up, and playing on words. It’s about looking at something from a different perspective.

The most rewarding aspect is the connection the music forges with people worldwide, who reach out and share what it means to them. Challenges and sacrifices are inevitable, but pursuing a career in music, especially now, offers more access than ever before.

I’ve written a song to raise money for The Conscious Kid and Color Of Change after George Floyd’s murder. I plan to get more involved with charities supporting women and their human right to autonomy over their bodies.

My long-term goal is to keep creating music with KMFDM and on my own, touring internationally, and playing more festivals. Authenticity is more important than trends.

My collaboration with Julian Beeston for his “Featured” project will be released in July. I’m also writing for the new KMFDM album and working on songs for a possible solo album. For updates, you can follow me on Instagram and visit the KMFDM website.